There is a huge opportunity right now to harness this crucial time of deep remembering who you really are and what is available to you...
They have tried to make you forget that
You are MAGIC.
They tried to tell you that you had to stay small.
In this perfectly curated box.
But you are feeling the shifts... a universal pull that it is time for soooo much more...
Spirit says that it is time to get money in the hands of good people because they will do good things with it.
It is time for amazing people to stop being stuck in inaction.
In indecision.
In the downward spiral.
It's time for natural born leaders to step up.
It is time for YOU to understand and do the money, mindset, and quantum work that will make you wealthy... GUARANTEED
And it is time to stop listening to the bullshit that it's hard or out of reach for you to create money, miracles and magic in your reality.
This is available to you NOW.

Getting your money shit sorted once and for all!
Acknowledging where you're at and getting a clear vision of exactly what you want, now.
Clarity is KEY when it comes to wealth.
You will see where you are sabotaging yourself.
If you are constantly talking yourself out of what you want you are pushing away miracles...
This ends NOW!
Redefining your relationship with money so you expect things to be great, and they are.
You are going to change your whole concept of wealth, abundance and money once and for all so you can see it all come to life here and now.
Dealing with your habits and blocks around money.
Getting out of resistance around your money situation and into automated daily flow.
Creating rituals and routines that feel good to YOU, building momentum that lasts.
I am sharing the exact wealth practices and habits I use to scale my business fast, grow my wealth and develop a mindset of abundance - for both myself and my clients consistently.
There is no shortage of money, miracles and magic in my Wealth From Soul process!!

Using specific wealth scripts written and stated so that you act from them without even having to think about it!
How to be an endless stream of ideas to tap into limitless abundance NOW!
You are getting tools, affirmations, support, and an amazing community of others who are on the same journey.
When you work in a group towards a common goal, results happen faster.
Creating a new blueprint in your mind about who you are as a wealthy badass who is here to help the world be a better place and implanting it NOW.
​What's included?
â–ł One 1 hour call every week for 4 weeks with teaching and Q+A
â–ł A private Facebook Group to connect throughout the course
If you cant make it live, I've got you!!!
All the calls will be recorded and you will have LIFETIME ACCESS to them.
I have created my dream business and life, while using my intuition and taking aligned practical steps.
In Wealth From Soul, you have access to my frequency, gifts, and knowledge once a week to expand yours.
I believe that nothing is impossible with this work - and now I am going to show you how.
I do this work every single day - it is how I call in my desires in all areas of my life.
And now, I have created an easy, hell yes course for anyone who wants to tap into the pure magic of wealth, abundance, and limitless possibilities, every week for 4 weeks while reclaiming their power.

​This course is for you if:
- You've tried things before but it just doesn't seem to be working
- Deep down you are scared that you'll never be able to deal with your money shit, that this will always be your pattern
- You carry the same money shit as your parents/grandparents and you’re so done with being stuck
- You know you were born for more, but you wonder when it's going to be your time and why you can't seem to just get there
- You feel guilty when you ask for money
- ​If you're being honest, the truth is you're allowing life to happen to you rather than actively creating it yourself
- ​You can't even believe you're at this point in your business/life/age and you're still dealing with this shit
- ​You seem to slip back into the same patterns often without even noticing!
- ​You are so over how endless it all seems to be and you're tired of it
- You're ready to let things be easy, to become wealthy, to do it with ease and flow and have fun with it too
- ​You want to feel passion and a soul certainty of knowing you're on the right track
- You want to deepen your connection to your inner power while working with me...

If you take this course and diligently apply the principles you are GUARANTEED to...
Deal with your money shit once and for all.
Understand and release limiting patterns, repeat sabotages and beliefs that you can't have it all
Get rid of all that stuff for good
Develop an internal blueprint of wealth and activate your wealth frequency now
Learn the exact, very simple and very effective hands on practical processes that work
And will get you ​cash NOW and on repeat FOREVER
​Double, triple, quadruple your income with what I teach you...
For most of my clients this happens within a matter of weeks and even days.

About Lisa Stamper
I’m Lisa Stamper, a soul-made CEO, and I work with incredible humans like you, who know they are meant for more.
I activate the ones called to work with me, and I get you aligned in your whole self.
​I love my freedom and travel, and my business allows me to be fully location free.
After many years of not going all in, not speaking my truth or doing what I really wanted to do in the world, I finally said yes to my purpose and sharing my deep soul message, and letting what is in me come out.
And now here we are.
I feel so blessed to have built an incredible online community of driven, soul inspired people from all walks of life; doctors, speakers, authors, healers, light workers, artists, entrepreneurs, chefs, leaders and creators, and each day I get to motivate, educate, empower and inspire you to create the life and business you want.

I’ve made my dream come true, of working part time so I can raise my son, while making a ton of cash by speaking my truth and following the path of my soul.
I don’t do anything that doesn’t feel like a fuck yes for me.
I built my business on me being me, fully authentic, in deep integrity, shooting straight from the hip, leading others where they were born to go.
You do not have to be anything other than who and what you already are to create all of this... other than being who you’ve not yet dared to own.
And you sure as shit don’t need to be polished or perfect. I’m not and never will be.
What you need to be is ready to claim it.
And recognize that you need to march into your dreams without looking back, and choose to be the version of you that you know you’re meant for, every damn day, with zero availability for anything except seeing it all come to life.