Say no more! I am IN!

A 4 Week Journey To Activate, Strengthen and Refine Your Intuition and Your Unique Soul Gifts 

Have you ever sensed something was going to happen and it did?

Of course you have!

It's not just by chance that you 'guessed it' correctly...  

You were just using your intuition!  

Is there something you are really good at that comes naturally to you?

Of course there is!

It's one of your unique soul gifts; it's an innate part of who you are and why you are here!

Both are a MAJOR part of your life purpose!

We ALL are born with individual soul gifts that are unique to us and we are ALL naturally intuitive.

Unfortunately, for many of us, experiences in our early life caused us to shut them down.

But they are never truly gone.

We can always bring them to life again!

Our inner guidance system is SO reliable and pairing it with your unique souls gifts makes you UNSTOPPABLE.

It allows to you to live your easiest, most aligned, connected, deeply fulfilling life.

Our intuition and our unique soul gifts are such valuable, essential allies that are meant to guide and accompany us throughout our journey.

It's actually crazy that they don't teach it in school; they are fundamental to our happiness, fulfillment and well-being.

I had all the things we're taught that are 'supposed' to make you happy,

But I wasn't.

I was sinking in the mundane world.

I didn't want to keep going.

I was SO over the monotonous slog of the day-to-day working your ass off, only living for the weekends

I was over the drama, gossipy, backstabbing, fake news, bullshit.

I knew there had to be something more...

And sure enough there is! 

My intuition literally saved my life and opened me up to the magic, joy, flow, ease and fun that we are supposed to experience! 

We start The Academy of Ascension Level One on June 20th, 2023!


Here is our full calendar: 

June 20th, 7:00 PM ET

June 27th, 7:00 PM ET

July 4th, 7:00 PM ET

July 11th, 7:00 PM ET









I am sooo in!

Your intuition and your soul gifts are the key to have it ALL and more!

Which is exactly why I created this course!

The Academy of Ascension will help you learn about, activate and deepen your intuition, your natural soul gifts and your unique abilities.

ā€‹It includes healing, energy work and more!

This course has been percolating for awhile and my guides finally gave me the go ahead that now is the time! YAY!

This is unlike anything I have offered before and will be SO FUN!

One of my clients just sent me this Thursday after our call where she tried out her gift of animal communication with me for the first time. She channeled 3 of my pets to a 'T'!!!

"I’m still in shock, OMG! SOOOO AMAZING!!! Thank you!!! It gave me so much confidence!"

The truth is..

We all have special powerful abilities within each one of us just waiting to be remembered, activated and deepened.

They are a HUGE part of your life purpose.

Joining the Academy of Ascension will raise your vibration, unlock your special gifts, reveal ones you didn't know you had and activate, strengthen and refine your individual abilities.

We will activate your third eye, your hands, your heart and more, including a deep chakra cleanse so you can channel and hold more healing frequencies of love and light.

You can use your intuition and your gifts for yourself, your family, or the for collective!









You will also learn: 

What your unique gifts are.

How to use them. 

How to tell whether it's your Ego or your Intuition - so key to this work!

How your guides communicate with you!

How you receive messages! Hint: It's unique to you and SO important to know so you don't miss anything!

ā€‹Week  1

You will find out what your unique soul gifts are - even ones you didn't know you had AND how to strengthen them.

You'll learn the unique way that your intuition and your ego speaks to you and how to tell the difference between them! 

You'll also learn all about protection and how to set sacred space - which is key to doing this work properly and safely.

Week 2 

We will do a deep energy clearing and healing including balancing your chakras; bringing you into alignment so you can channel more healing energy, love and light. We will also activate your hands, your heart and your third eye chakras and more!! 

Week 3

We will tap into your soul family and your personal team in spirit -including your guides and your protectors- who are here to assist you on your journey!  You will find out specificly who some of your guides are and how to easily connect with them so you can decipher the messages they send you! You will also learn how to read energy! 

Week 4

 We will practice using our unique soul gifts and our intuition!
Do not let this hold you back.

You literally can't get it wrong, even if you've never done it before AND I'll be right there with you to help!

This is a supportive, judgement free container and a safe, open space for all. 
I will also be channelling for the group too!! 

Join us now!
This course is for you if you’re ready to tap into your intuition and your unique soul gifts

You will also be able to:

Get messages for yourself or others. 

Strengthen and refine your intuitive abilities. 

Connect to your Higher Self, your guides and your spirit team.

This course will help you: 

Feel powerful and empowered.

Feel energized and excited about life again.

Be able to read energy for yourself and others.

Strengthen your gifts

Increase your intuition

Raise your vibration 


This course is for EVERYONE! 

Beginner to advanced

ALL are welcome!

There is something for everyone!









Join us Now!